Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So you wake you at 7h45 am. You get out, you take 1h15min to get to work. You work. 13pm - Lunch Break. 14pm - Back to work. 19h45pm you get out of work. You go home. You arrive at 20h15pm.

How was your day ? Empty. Null. "Nothing to see here, move on."

Tomorrow? The same.
After tomorrow? The same.
Next week? The same.

The same for at least 40 years.

Sounds like fun. Sounds like _my_ life.

"Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!"


SinjinSmith said...

Tb há aquela versão "Fuck you I won´t do what you chicken-tell me". O RFS que o diga.

areb said...

É por isso que temos que abrir uma empresa!

Onde é que está a luz? said...

When life just blows...fuck it all babe!