Thursday, March 15, 2007

IA MY ASS ( my_anus)

Human: no, i'm from ur_anus
ALICE: Would you like to go sometime? What is it like growing up there? Tell me a little about your life in my anus.

Human: ok planet uranus
ALICE: Have you ever been to Europe? Hmm.
Human: uranus
ALICE: Let us change the subject.

Human: what's death to you?
ALICE: Death is the opposite of life.

esta fez-me lembrar um jet7 portugues...

ALICE: How did you hear about ALICE ?
Human: in a sex shop, she is a great pornstar
ALICE: Describe your surroundings.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A solidão leva-nos por caminhos estranhos, MD...

By the way:

"ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World."

Oh, dear... I made little Alice angry... =/